Design and Development of Products, Services, and Processes

The Design and Development of Products, Services, and Processes (or PSP) axis reconfigures decision-support systems taking into account risks and uncertainties.

This area covers the design, configuration or reconfiguration of systems (products or physical systems), services (engineering consulting or serviced products) or processes (production or maintenance), taking into account the risks and uncertainties associated with the development of new solutions. It is also in line with some of the issues raised by Industry 4.0: customization, reconfiguration, agile production lines and predictive maintenance. 

Scientific obstacles

  1. How to formalize, in the same model, different sources of knowledge related to the design of PSP? How can they be best exploited in new designs? 
    This scientific issue focuses on the different sources of knowledge that must be taken into account in design. It thus allows, in the same model, to capitalize and reuse knowledge from different professions, different origins and different natures. It therefore implies cooperation and reasoning on different knowledge bases, formalized in various ways (CBR, ontology, CSP, etc.). 
  2. How to simulate or evaluate PSPs while being designed and identify discrepancies with regard to expected performance and behavior? 
    This scientific issue is concerned with the evaluation of the object (product, service or process) during its design. To do this, relevant indicators must be identified and assessed as design progresses. It therefore implies taking into account uncertainties and imprecisions in design and assessment. 
  3. How to find the set of Pareto-optimal solutions, in a reasonable timescale, taking into account several antagonistic criteria? 
    This scientific issue is concerned with the optimization of design solutions in order to provide the user with the pareto-optimal set, in a tight timescale. It thus implies the development of new generic optimization methods or taking into account the specificity of the object designed. 
  4. How to help decision-making when designing PSP in an uncertain, risky and/or collaborative context? 
    This scientific issue is more specifically concerned with the decision-making mechanism in design. It therefore implies a more human and social science oriented vision and puts man at the heart of the decision. 
  5. How to exploit massive data to help PSP design? How to generate new knowledge, propose recommendations and make predictions? 
    This scientific issue focuses on the use of massive data in design to guide the designer towards the most relevant set of solutions. It therefore implies the development of specific methods for data mining and their use in design.

These 5 obstacles apply regardless of the level of detail or abstraction in the design or development of the research axis, therefore in the elaboration of an offer, in preliminary design or in detailed design.


This area of applied research is common to many Industrial Engineering laboratories at national and international level. 

IMT Mines Albi stands out for its work on:

  • Simultaneous product/system/service design and delivery process, in collaboration with ENI LGP Tarbes and ETS Montréal
  • Taking into account the risks and uncertainties in the design and development of PSP, in collaboration with NTUA in Greece The simultaneous optimization of the product/system/service designed and its implementation process, in collaboration with 3IL of Limoges.


A team of experts